Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers play a very important role at St. Anthony Catholic Elementary School. Volunteers may assist in classrooms or in the library, act as chaperones on class trips and excursions, assist with preparing hot lunches, or become involved with activities planned by the Catholic School Council, which is also made up volunteers. Volunteers also assist children with reading, help out at our annual Christmas Luncheon, and lend a hand for special projects like our gingerbread house-making activity this past year.
Criminal Records Check/Vulnerable Sector Check
All volunteers must submit a Criminal Records Check and a Vulnerable Sector Check as required by the School Board.
Interested volunteers can pick up a volunteer form from the school office.
You need to take the volunteer form to the police department in your area and request a Criminal Records Check and a Vulnerable Sector Check.
Return the completed Criminal Records Check and a Vulnerable Sector Check to the school where the office will record that it has been completed.
The Criminal Records Check and a Vulnerable Sector Check remains valid if a volunteer completes a declaration form each year. If the declaration form is not completed, then a new Criminal Records Check and a Vulnerable Sector Check must be initiated.
For additional information on volunteering, you can read our Board's Policy Site and look for Policy 707. If you are interested in volunteering your time at St. Anthony, please contact the school office at 905-885-4583.
For more information on Parent Engagement in Catholic Schools, please visit our Parent Engagement in Catholic Schools page on our main site.